Saturday, August 4, 2012

Lessons Learned

This was the week of “mid-terms” for the summer boot camp that I’ve been enduring for the past couple of weeks. There are only 2 weeks left of boot camp, before I have about two weeks off before the fall semester starts. On the evening of my Quantitative mid-term, my AWESOME quant instructor Selin had our class over for a Turkish feast.  Oh. My. GUT! Not only is Selin the sweetest, bad-ass roller derby-ing mathematician that I’ve ever met, but she can burn in the kitchen! Stuffed eggplant, lentils with mint, spinach pie, meat pie, meatballs, red lentil balls with cumin, tabouli, Turkish quiche and bottles and bottles of red wine. 

Which leads to me the things that I have learned this week:
1.      Red wine is off limits.  Possibly forever.  Let’s just say that I couldn’t get up the next morning for my 7:50AM class.  I barely made it to my 9AM class.  One glass (yes, it was only one) is not worth that kind of suffering. UGH!

2.      The Lame Foot still hates me. On the night of the dinner, I think I walked a total of 2 miles. The Lame Foot let its displeasure be known immediately, and several days later it’s still letting me know who’s large (swollen) and in charge!

3.      I am a princess.  Air-conditioning is now required of all future living arrangements. I’m not kidding.  I’m tired of being hot, sweaty and bloated because of the heat.  I will not give you the details of the itchy/scratchy heat rash that I had to go along with the discomfort of just being hot and hung over. Use your imagination, then multiply by a factor of two.

4.      Last, but not least, I learned that I’ve got some pretty awesome classmates.  The wine loosened some tongues and made for a more festive atmosphere. We’re an eclectic and motley group from the four corners of the earth, but somehow it works.

Although the first three lessons were not fun to learn, they made lesson four COMPLETELY worth it. Hang over, heat rash and foot hate aside, I had quite an enjoyable evening. I look forward to our next outing because I’ll be bringing the white wine!

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