Monday, October 15, 2012

Check Please?

For the last couple of weeks, I have been working diligently and submitting assignments for my classes.  Most of the assignments were only a couple of pages, but the sheer quantity of reading that I was supposed to internalize to produce the mini-assignments was a little mind blowing.  Late last week my professors started to return my submitted assignments.

Excuse my American English as I pose the following question to Harvard University:

What the fuck is up with the check marks!?

Really, Harvard?  Check marks? No beginning of the alphabet? No numbers? Check marks! How am I supposed to embrace the B, when I can’t figure out what letter the mysterious check mark will morph into?

For those of you not in the know, Harvard grades on a curve.  I think this is their way of insuring that we all conform to curve. Why did y’all think I was embracing the B? The B is the center of that curve!

In all honesty, I’d rather have a gold star than a friggin’ check mark, but that’s just me.

But speaking of GOLD STAR effort, I’d like to thank my best friend for sending me a care package full of healthy goodies.  She heard my lament about having to buy fat pants and she decided to help me out instead of passing judgement about the snugness of my pants.

She even included dark chocolate dusted almonds in 100 calorie packs and Skinny Cow chocolate sticks.  That, right there, is true friendship!

Healthy Snacks, YAY!

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