Oh my! Where has time gone? I’m approaching my first 100
days at Harvard. Yikes!
Last week I went to a seminar over at the business
school. It was then that I finally
realized why I was struggling so much with my classes at the Kennedy School.
The classes at the business school were being taught in my native tongue! It
has been quite the culture shock to move exclusively from the private,
for-profit sector into the world of public policy, not-for-profit, government
and non-governmental organizations. It soothed my soul to hear EBDITA, VC and
M&A. As much as I have run from it, I was
surprised by how much I have missed it.
Unfortunately for me, I am taking a course that is very much
like a Burmese python. With every breath
I take, it constricts and squeezes more life out of me. I do not like the course. I have never liked the course. I should have
dropped it the first time I felt despair. Now I have too much time
invested into it to just drop it. Today was
especially painful. I kid you not, the instructor posed a question to the class
said “Anyone...anyone?” and he was met with almost of full minute of silence. UGH. Really? This is what’s at Harvard? And it’s
required for graduation!?
But on a brighter note, I got my grade back on one of my
papers. I guess that I “embraced the B”
to the point that I was able to squeeze out an A-! At least I’m not in danger of failing that
course…yet. The only bad thing is that I
need a secret decoder ring to decipher the instructor’s handwriting.
I wonder if my mom is still paying $1 for A's? This is worth $0.75, right? |
I am not at all surprised by the A-. Congratulations! As for not liking the class, it is an emerging theme lately. It keeps coming up in my conversations with people. Quite a few folks have already (quickly) identified the classes they wish they never took which will probably continue with midterms and papers. Ha! You are in good company and I guess it is all a part of this experience.