Tuesday, April 2, 2013

And the final countdown begins...

Since I have been slacking horribly on this blog, I’ve decided to be ambitious and make one blog post a day to chronicle my last 59 days before graduation and my last 60 days on campus.  Guess what? I’m already behind a day!  Today I’ll make two posts to make up for missing yesterday.

Yesterday and today, I was part of a phone-a-thon to reach out to newly admitted Harvard Kennedy School students.  In the middle of the first call, I had a flash back to when I was newly accepted and to all the questions that I about what it meant to be going to Harvard. 

My first question was: How in the blazes am I supposed to afford almost $100,000 for one year of school?!  That’s a lot of money.  Especially since at that time I had not worked a permanent job in about 4 years.  I had picked up some contract work to get by, but it wasn’t like permanent work (with benefits) and a steady paycheck. 

My second question: What am I supposed to do with my boyfriend? At this point we had been together for year.  I had told him that if I was admitted that I was going to leave, but I don’t think either of us believed that I was going to get admitted.  (Surprise!!)

My third question: What in the hell was the admissions office thinking?! Of course, I wouldn’t have applied if I didn’t think I could get in but it was still a shock to get the email and then the paper admissions letter.  So much so, that I didn’t tell anyone that I was admitted for several weeks because I was sure that Harvard was going to retract their offer.   I only began to tell select people after the registrar’s office cashed the check for my deposit!

I can’t believe that all of these memories came flooding back in the space of one phone call. I guess now I can look back on it and realize that it was all going to work out even if it wasn’t exactly the way that I had envisioned.

So far, it’s been a wonderful ride. 

59 days until commencement

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