Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cape Cod Day Trip

I seriously considered not writing this post. 

It’s not that I didn’t want to write it, but how in the heck am I supposed to capture so much awesomeness with my limited vocabulary!?

Once again, I am humbled by the generosity of the people that I’ve met here at Harvard.  Yesterday, a classmate opened up his vacation home on Cape Cod for the members of our class that have decided to stay in the area during “summer break”.  (There is a two week break between the Summer Program aka Boot Camp and the official beginning of the Fall Semester.)  It was only a day trip, but well worth the 2 hour drive!

The first thing I asked about upon arrival was about sharks.  I’m not kidding.  Earlier this summer (July 30th to be exact) there was attack by a 12 foot great white shark on a swimmer in the same town. I needed to know my odds of being shark food before I got too happy about the prospect of frolicking in the water.  Our gracious host confirmed that yes, the incident happened in the same town, but 1.) The guy that got bitten was swimming with seals, who are real shark food and 2.) We’d be swimming on the bay side of the Cape and not the Atlantic side and sharks don’t come into the bay. (Do they have a ‘keep out’ sign written in shark?  Water is water, right?!) 

Sharks: Keep Out! I'm trying to swim over here!

After our afternoon of hanging out on the beach, we went back up to the house were we feasted on an American Style Cook-out with some raw oysters thrown in to keep it New England Style.  I didn’t get a pic, but we had two adorable helpers help us to finish the cookout with s’mores.  

raw materials
finished product
Like I said, I didn’t think I’d do the greatest job trying to articulate how special the day was.  After relocating, cramming 14 weeks of instruction into 14 class days, having all my free time be scheduled with compulsory and “optional” activities, missing home and family, it was nice to get away among new friends, listen to the waves and replenish my vitamin D stores.  Even The Lame Foot calmed down and allowed me to walk with almost no limp. Yay!

Needless to say, we closed it down!

Actual sunset from the day's festivities

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