That damned placement test.
I guess I didn’t do so hot, because I’m in the section that
meets five days a week instead of four.
So, while my classmates are sleeping off their hangover from Tuesday
night, I’ll be in classes for most of the day on Wednesday. Does it suck? Yeah, but I’m kind of glad it
turned out this way.
Each of my instructors has made it known that I shouldn’t
take my class placement personally, and in all honesty, I don’t.
Many years ago, I used to fly airplanes and I was actually
quite good at it. I knew all the
checklists and V Speeds for the airplane I was flying and could execute a
smoooooth landing. But if you were to
put us in an airplane right this second, you’d have better said your prayers
because we are going to crash and burn!
Given the right refresher, I’m sure I could quickly come back up to
standard and feel comfortable flying family and friends around safely.
This is the same situation. Instead of getting a refresher
in flying, I’m getting one in Quantitative Methods and another in
Microeconomics. And did I mention it was fast?
I believe we’re covering 14 weeks of material in 14 class days, and
there will be a midterm and a final.
This is the perfect intro to a rigorous one year program, so I
Go get it, FlyGirl!